Sock Aid Easy On


  • The toe of the sock should be placed in the tube with the toe pointing towards the ground and the heel touching the bottom of the tub

  • Take the open end of the sock and pull it over the top of the tube

  •  Pull the end of the sock down far enough so when placing the foot in the sock your toes will touch the end of the sock

  •  At this point the sock should be almost completely inside out and opened up for placement of the foot

  • Use your hand to position the sock correctly so the heel is in the correct position for the entry of your foot

  • Place the Easy On Sock Aid on the floor (The Sock Aid is durable and will not break if dropped from considerable height. If the sock aid ends up on its side it is simply a matter of using your foot or the pronged Easy Off Sock Aid tool to right the Sock Aid)

  • Position your foot so that your toes are able to enter the sock. Push into the sock and as you near the end slowly bring your toes up, The Sock Aid will then tilt forward as your foot reaches the end.

  • The Easy On Sock Aid has a handy hook which allows you (by using the Easy Off Sock Aid) to bring the Sock Aid back to your lap saving you any form of bending and you are able to pick the sock aid up from the floor and then you can repeat the procedure for your other sock.

  • Please note all of the above is demonstrated in the instruction video on this page

Sock Aid is also brilliant for putting on pressure stockings Now they hurt to put on they are so tight especially over the heel. Not with sock aid its easy and comfortable. Just work it up the leg manually with the sock aid.
Wonderful…Thankyou Glennis 

This gentleman suffers from a significant disability, we're very pleased that our Sock-Aid is able to help him.
With kind permission from Nic and Bradley Williams from Williams Occupational Therapy

No More Bending Sock Aid